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Launching in March 2019, Temper Magazine will entertain its highly niche readership with new fashio-socio topical series, each rummaging through one  China Fashion or Urban Culture subject at a time. Carefully selected on the basis of…


2019/06/26 11:43 编辑:高天辰 手机阅读: 最近的朋友圈都是些什么?! 不是谁突然出现在日本,就是谁又去巴厘岛了。感觉动手刷一刷朋友圈,全世界都去过了。 最可恨的是他们还会和你炫耀自己“性感优雅”的游客照!看到那一张张“P”得过分的照片。瑞酱只好给她点个赞。(无奈) 既然到了出游季,除了默默地期待,装备还是要提前准备的,今天瑞酱给大家推荐的这几款小众连衣裙不仅可以出游穿,日常穿也不会太高调,就是这么实用!

Top 10 Most Popular Magazines in China

Though today people tend to spend more time on online news and social networks, some readers still stick to looking through a magazine when time permits and some even religiously read magazines every day. What Chinese magazines do readers …

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