Eliane Crettaz:do not stop dreaming

Today for our cover of Break Magazine we have the honor of interviewed Elena Crettaz, a young model with an oriental look, beautiful, charming but above all creative, with a personality, a tenacity that leaves no way out. Born in the Val d’Anniviers, in Switzerland Eliane Crettaz despite her young age, can boast a rich path in the world of fashion as freelance, her zodiac sign is Aquarius, Solar, Transformist, and here is his story.

how do you define yourself?

I am a big dreamer, someone positive and curious who like to experiment new recipes from all the world, a big fan of pineapple, avocado and nature in general or just a happy young adult. I’m a young freelance model for 2 years. I have begin with a model agency called “Casting de rue” and after, I started the shooting and I have learned how to pose with some videos on internet. I have two best memories of my model career. The first is the shooting the last week for optic 2000 and the second was the hairshow for the brand Goldwell the last month. It was such a great adventure! I have the chance to collaborate every month with David D’agostini, a friend and photograph who just accept my crazy projects and is always ready for new experiments. Now I do less photography shooting but bigger project…More to come…

What relationship do you have with your beauty?

I have the chance to have learning to love myself. This is one of the most important thing because you will live with your body everyday

 What is your dream in the drawer?

I dream to travel, to learn more languages, to be happy every day.

What is the relationship between a woman so beautiful with your body? I do not think to be pretty or not, I think only that I am good in my body without artifice and I believe that the beauty is to love as we are with us defects and our qualities

How do you see yourself in five years?

 I hope that I will be a dietician or a primary school teacher, that I live in an apartment with my boyfriend, but I just let the time do his work

right now, on coast are you working?

No, for the moment I am studying, I am doing the maturity in health to do next year a high school specialized in dietetics and nutrition.

Would you like to write a book of your life? and if so what could be the title?

I do not think I have a life interesting and original enough to write an autobiography, but it would interest me more to write a book with my favorite vegan recipes.

is there a professional “photographer with whom you would like to work?

There is a lot of photographers that I just dream to work with like Peter Lindbergh, Lara Jade, Dennis Leupold or Matthew Priestley.

What happens in your private life? are there other passions outside of fashion?

In my private life, I am just a simply student who do not like to wake up early and love eating  I dance every week with a group in my Valley and I love skiing and to walk with my dog Truffe.

A last question the meaning of life? 

For me the meaning of life is to fully enjoy the small pleasures of everyday life surrounded by family and friends.



photograph Credit by David D’agostini.

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